Psalm 23: complete, commentary


CommentHe who prays in Psalm 23 personally experienced the way in which the Lord led him in the midst of the traps perpetrated against him by his enemies. Full of faith he serenely declares that he lacks nothing because God always helps him without ever abandoning him, comparing the care of the Lord with that of a shepherd who treats his flock by making him graze on grassy pastures to lead him to calm waters.

Psalm 23 complete

[1] Psalm. Di Davide. The Lord is my shepherd: I lack nothing;

[2] on grassy pastures it rests me in calm waters leads me.

[3] He reassures me, guides me on the right path, for the sake of his name.

[4] If I were to walk in a dark valley, I would not fear any harm, because you are with me. Your staff and your bondage give me security.

[5] Before me you prepare a table under the eyes of my enemies; sprinkle my head with oil. My cup overflows.

[6] Happiness and grace will be my companions all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord for long years.

Psalm 23 • The Lord is my Shepherd (May 2024)

Tags: Biblical psalms