Venetian pasta and beans


How to cook Venetian pasta and beans, original tomato recipe with chopped parsley, a complete first course to cook with fresh egg pasta.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 200 gr of egg noodles

- 400 gr frozen borlotti beans

- 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- 2 cloves of garlic

- 2 teaspoons chopped parsley

- 200 gr tomato puree

- salt

Preparation of Venetian pasta and beans

Put the beans still frozen in a pan with two liters of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then decrease the gas and simmer for about 30 minutes in a covered container.

In a saucepan, heat the oil and add the peeled garlic cloves with the parsley, sizzling everything for about a minute.

Pour the tomato sauce and the boiled beans, after having drained them but without throwing away their water, then adjust the salt.

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Stir over medium heat, leaving everything to flavor for about ten minutes, after adding the cooking water of the beans, about a liter, turn and pass everything in the vegetable mill, keeping aside a cup of whole beans.

Put back on the fire and, as soon as the boil resumes, dip the whole borlotti beans and add the egg noodles until cooked.

At the end, bring the pasta and beans soup to the table without letting it cool.

Pasta and beans (May 2024)

Tags: First classics